Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Canadian cities file for Simutrans

I created a different Canadian cities file for Simutrans, the transportation simulator game. I also created a new "" file which generates city names when no city file present which I feel also renders as more Canadian.  The Simutrans site message forum already has a Canadian cities file, but I wanted mine to reflect a more diverse cultural influence that has existed in Canada.

Changes to the "" file include the changing of city name generating affixes and prefixes, the generating of stations/stops names, and of course, the game will no longer announce that it has given a "blue riband" for breaking a speed record. I am presuming, with this last change, that the intent was to award a blue ribbon.

If you have a cities file, the "" file only affects station/stop names and the "blue ribbon" statement. If you want to use the Canadian cities file, depending on your OS language settings, you may need to rename the file in order for Simutrans to automatically load it.

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