I have created Simutrans.XML and TeraCopy.XML CleanerML files (and more. See update below), for use with the popular program, BleachBit. The files are available from my GoogleDrive and need to be placed in the Share/Cleaners/ folder of your BleachBit installation in order for them to become available in the program.
Note: As a precaution, I suggest you obtain BleachBit from the developer, and use the cleanerML mark-up provided by his program.
All the usual caveats apply when using the CleanerML files I have created, and you are free to edit and share them - and I would hope you share your changes/improvements with the developer. Mine have been submitted to the developer, and may or may not be included in updates of the program (The reason why you should use caution with them as the developer may not approve them). Of note, the Simutrans cleaner has facilities to clean out all files stowed in the user height maps, screenhots, and saved games directories/folders. All of this content is either placed there manually by the user, or initiated by the user in Simutrans. So no warnings are issued as it is assumed the user is aware of what he or she has in these locations.
Enjoy, and look forward to more in future.
Update 06/08/2015:
Additional cleanerML mark-up has been created for Akelpad, Audacity, DirMaster, Goldwave, kchmviewer, Paint.NET, SketchUp Make, Textsrch, and VirtualDub, all being Windows software, all being available on my GoogleDrive and Github. I have also altered the mark-up to make it more compliant with the BleachBit developer's own mark-up, and have made it available to him. When/If it becomes part of the distributed BleachBit program in it's current or an altered form is solely up to him.
One additional cleaner - "virtualdub-scripts-and-sparse.xml" contains warnings and mark-up that may delete files that VirtualDub users might not want deleted. I do not expect this to become part of BleachBit (see comment below). The files it targets have the following extensions: .JOBS, .SYL, .VCF, and .SPARSE. All are user created/generated and in my opinion, fall within the scope of what BleachBit is meant to clean. But I am not all users, so I leave it up to you and suggest you heed the warnings if you use this mark-up.
Update: 03/09/2015:
Created a cleaner for Stuffit.
Update: 06/18/2016:
Created a cleaner for PokerTH.
No, I will not publish a link to your TeraCopy-like software. Authors of software must exercise common sense or risk having their software ridiculed due to their spam-like proclivities (Right, Vikas?) This is NOT a software review = this post is/was about BleachBit cleaners which has s***-loads of f*** all to do with your crying for links)